Units: mg/m3 Sensor: Sentinel3 –OLCI A Name of variables: CHL_NN Level: L2 Special resolution: 0.3km x0.3km Area: Black Sea Source: http://coda.eumetsat.int/ Algorithm: The product is derived from a NN inverse radiative transfer model, originally developed for MERIS by Doerffer and Schiller (2007) and updated to become the Case 2 Regional / Coast Colour (C2RCC) processor. References:
Doerffer, R. and Schiller, H. (2007) The MERIS Case 2 Water Algorithm. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28, 517-535.
KD 490 –Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient at 490 nm
Units: m-1 Sensor: Sentinel3 –OLCI A Name of variables: KD490 Level: L2 Special resolution: 0.3km x0.3km Area: Black Sea Source: http://coda.eumetsat.int/ Algorithm: The product is derived from Morel et al. (2007) References:
Morel, A.; Huot, Y.; Gentili, B.; Werdell, P.J.; Hooker, S.B.; Franz, B.A. Examining the consistency of productsderived from various ocean color sensors in open ocean (Case 1) waters in the perspective of a multi-sensor approach. Remote Sens. Environ. 2007,111, 69–88
ADG443 -Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm
Units: m-1 Sensor: Sentinel3 –OLCI A Name of variables: ADG_NN Level: L2 Special resolution: 0.3km x0.3km Area: Black Sea Source: http://coda.eumetsat.int/ Algorithm: The product is derived from a NN inverse radiative transfer model, originally developed for MERIS by Doerffer and Schiller (2007) and updated to become the Case 2 Regional / Coast Colour (C2RCC) processor.
Doerffer, R. and Schiller, H. (2007) The MERIS Case 2 Water Algorithm. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28, 517-535.
TSM – Total suspended matter
Units: g/m3 Sensor: Sentinel 3 –OLCI A Name of variables: TSM_NN Level: L2 Special resolution: 0.3km x0.3km Area: Black Sea Source: http://coda.eumetsat.int/ Algorithm: The product is derived from a NN inverse radiative transfer model, originally developed for MERIS by Doerffer and Schiller (2007) and updated to become the Case 2 Regional / Coast Colour (C2RCC) processor. References:
Doerffer, R. and Schiller, H. (2007) The MERIS Case 2 Water Algorithm. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28, 517-535.
TSM 31.05.2019
Total suspended matter (TSM) is an important indicator of water quality and has an adverse effect on light propagation in the water affecting the primary production.
Total suspended matter (TSM) is an important indicator of water quality and has an adverse effect on light propagation in the water affecting the primary production.